Herb Profile #1 - St. John's Wort

Welcome to the first entry in our Herb Materia Medica Series! This series will share the magical world of herbs and all the knowledge I have gathered in my own personal materia medica. Please feel free to add any additional information in the comments!

Number #1 - St Johns Wort (Hypericum perforatum)

Growing conditions in Australia;
Prefers light, sandy soils and likes sun but can be kept in part-shade. Flowers appear 2nd year after planting, appearing in late-Spring to early Summer. It likes a fair amount of water and can be raised in pots.

Parts used;
The young flowering tops or 80% flowers to 20% leaves

Key Actions;
  • Antidepressant
  • Anxiolytic
  • Antiviral
  • Wound Healer
  • Anti-inflammatory
Key Constituents;
  • Phloroglucinols (hyperforin)
  • Polycyclic diones (hypericin)
  • Flavonoids

Medicinal uses;
  • Nerve Regeneration abilites
  • Anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-inflammatory
  • Nerve damage, trauma to the muscle tissue, cuts and wounds
  • Bruises, sprains, burns and other injuries respond well to the oil
  • Tinctures commonly used for nerve disorders, stress and pain
  • It is also a mild bronchial antispasmodic and can be used to relieve hacking coughs, bronchitis and chest colds. It is also used to treat neuralgic pain, sciatics and rheumatic pain. 

( Rosemary Gladstar)

  • Used for mild to moderate depression - 1/2 tspn of tincture with water 3 times daily
  • Has strong anti-viral activity especially against influenza, herpes and hepatitis  C and B
  • Great nerve tonic as it restores and protects the nerves. Also used for Seasonal Affective Disorder, chronic anxiety and improves sleep quality
  • Menopause - often mixed with black cohosh for depression in menopause
  • The oil has potent healing properties, apply to wounds, punctures, minor burns, shingles, sciatica and toothache (relieves neuralgia)

(Andrew Chevalier)

can cause sensitivity to light. Can interact with prescription medication so seek professional advice. Do not combine with other antidepressants. 

How to use;
Use in either a tincture or as an oil, which can also be made in creams and salves. 
